Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Time Travel and New Old Posts

So...I have accomplished what many have sought, and failed to do...I think. I...have travelled back in time! I know...I know...I'm awesome, please hold your awe and applause.

There's a new post two posts down. Don't ask me how it happened...and if you do I'll launch into an in-depth explanation of a rift in the time-space continuum and/or a souped-up DeLorean and/or a black hole that I got pulled into allowed for me to travel back in time. It's science...I won't bore you. All this to say there is a new post in addition to this one...just scroll down a bit. The post is called "Something."

Well...that's it for me...I have to get back...TO THE FUTURE!

Sorry...I had to.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Reboot - J.J. Abrams style

Hello Blogosphere...I'm back.  

It's been quite some time...but I am back with a mighty vengeance.  

For some people...a post like this would be their last...but not for me. 

Yeah...tell your friends, this is going to be legendary.  

Also this picture is awesome.  

Finally...I find it sad that half of my posts thus far have been about how I'm starting a blog or how I'm going to post more regularly...I sincerely hope this is the last one of those.  

Thursday, May 28, 2009


No Beauty We Could Desire

Yes, you are always everywhere. But I,
Hunting in such immeasurable forests,
Could never bring the noble Hart to bay.

The scent was too perplexing for my hounds;
Nowhere sometimes, then again everywhere.
Other scents, too, seemed to them almost the same.

Therefore I turn my back on the unapproachable
Stars and horizons and all musical sounds,
Poetry itself, and the winding stair of thought.

Leaving the forests where you are pursued in vain
--Often a mere white gleam--I turn instead
To the appointed place where you pursue.

Not in Nature, not even in Man, but in one
Particular Man, with a date, so tall, weighing
So much, talking Aramaic, having learned a trade;

Not in all food, not in all bread and wine
(Not, I mean, as my littleness requires)
But this wine, this bread ... no beauty we could desire.

--C.S. Lewis

Isaiah 53:2 - and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him.

This poem is basically about one man's pursuit for God and his awe at Jesus' sacrifice in coming to earth as an inglorious, humble man. I just really liked it.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

5500 miles and some change

I am beside myself with the scale of what me and 4 others have just accomplished.  Over 5.5 thousand miles travelled in what ended up being a 5 day journey starting in Memphis, Tennessee, and ending in Sutton, Alaska.  So much has happened it almost doesn't feel real.  I am just praying that it doesn't turn out that tomorrow I wake up, and had dreamed the whole thing. 

Anyway, being on the road was a good time, but being home now is amazing.  So many good things...have happened...and are still to come.  Before I post a couple pics, I gotta give a shout out to Dawson Creek, British Columbia.  That town and the people at a certain Pirate Party may have saved my whole view of Canada...so there's that.  

Now here's a bison...

...and a bear...

...and a caribou...

...and a few signs.

Well...that is the trip in a nutshell...or rather...blog post.  

Thursday, April 30, 2009

To Others...

If anyone officially reads this yet, regular updates have been lacking thus far.  Apparently, the end of the semester is a hard time to start doing something new...or restart something old.  Be that as it may, updates will be coming more consistently, more than likely after tomorrow...but you never can know for sure.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

6 AM Thoughts...or lack thereof.

So this seems like as good a time as any to write something.  If I sound a little distant, know I am not all here.  "Why are you up so late/early?" ask you.  Well you see it all started about...12 hours ago.  I was working on homework, a paper more specifically...a paper on the Coen brothers for my Film History class even more specifically.  I had about half of it done before today.  It was a 10 pager, and I had about 5 of that done.  Not too bad, I wrote the last one on a film and it took me about 4 hours.  No worries.  

Well, for some reason or other, I wasn't able to write from 8PM-12AM, so I figured I'd bang it out in a couple hours and get to bed by 2-2:30.  Then something happened...something I didn't like very much at all...but did at the same time.  I got into it.  I got this brilliant (and I say that in all sarcasm...sort of) idea to make the paper amazing.  Sooooooo...20 sources, 15 pictures and roughly 3,000 words later...I have my paper finished, at 5:30 AM. 

At that point I was faced with a dilemna...go to bed for 3 hours...or push through, go to my daily routine, and head back to bed sometime in the afternoon.  As you can probably guess, I chose the latter, for better or worse.  1 hour til breakfast, 2 .75 til my first class, and 7.75 til I can go to bed. This should make for an interesting day to say the least.  

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Thoughts on Easter

So...it's Easter once again.  Merry Easter to you all...if anyone actually reads this yet.  Interesting fact about me...I'm not a chocolate person.  I see people go crazy over a chocolate bunny or a chocolate squirrel (thank you Anchorman), and all I can think is "Meh."  All that to say I wish I had somewhere to go for Easter dinner, for both me and my roomie.  Our Easter lunch was spent at Panera Bread, which, isn't bad...but a little sad perhaps. 

I am glad it's Easter,  the past few weeks I've been reflecting on the personal aspect of Jesus' death, as in Jesus dying for ME.  Crazy.  I'm stupid not to appreciate it more than I do.

In chapel last week, we did a liturgy reading, which to me, sounded a little like a cult, besides that though, one of the things that the audience read together were the words "Crucify Him!" It was startling how loud it seemed.  Kinda hit home a bit.  Also kinda made me pretty peeved at the Easter Bunny for cheapening the Resurrection into a holiday where it just means kids get more candy.  CURSE YOU CONSUMERISM BUNNY!!! First Christmas and now Easter, what's next? Actually is there any other "Christian" holiday to ruin?

That cartoon sums it up rather well I think.  I found it posted a year ago here...

It's old, but read his post, some interesting points are made about the origin of "Easter."  Well that said, I think I'm gonna go eat some candy and watch Here Comes Peter Cottontail...ok not really.  

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

New Blog

Well, it's been a while since I've done this, I'm going to try to get back into it since I'm now on pretty much every other social network to varying degrees.  I tried starting a blog a while back, but kind of never updated it.  Hopefully I can actually keep this one going.  On this blog I'll be posting a number of different things, some of which are ideas, others are things that inspire me, but mostly I'll just be posting my thoughts about life or things that interest me.  So I'm gonna see where this takes me.