Tuesday, May 19, 2009

5500 miles and some change

I am beside myself with the scale of what me and 4 others have just accomplished.  Over 5.5 thousand miles travelled in what ended up being a 5 day journey starting in Memphis, Tennessee, and ending in Sutton, Alaska.  So much has happened it almost doesn't feel real.  I am just praying that it doesn't turn out that tomorrow I wake up, and had dreamed the whole thing. 

Anyway, being on the road was a good time, but being home now is amazing.  So many good things...have happened...and are still to come.  Before I post a couple pics, I gotta give a shout out to Dawson Creek, British Columbia.  That town and the people at a certain Pirate Party may have saved my whole view of Canada...so there's that.  

Now here's a bison...

...and a bear...

...and a caribou...

...and a few signs.

Well...that is the trip in a nutshell...or rather...blog post.  

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