Thursday, May 28, 2009


No Beauty We Could Desire

Yes, you are always everywhere. But I,
Hunting in such immeasurable forests,
Could never bring the noble Hart to bay.

The scent was too perplexing for my hounds;
Nowhere sometimes, then again everywhere.
Other scents, too, seemed to them almost the same.

Therefore I turn my back on the unapproachable
Stars and horizons and all musical sounds,
Poetry itself, and the winding stair of thought.

Leaving the forests where you are pursued in vain
--Often a mere white gleam--I turn instead
To the appointed place where you pursue.

Not in Nature, not even in Man, but in one
Particular Man, with a date, so tall, weighing
So much, talking Aramaic, having learned a trade;

Not in all food, not in all bread and wine
(Not, I mean, as my littleness requires)
But this wine, this bread ... no beauty we could desire.

--C.S. Lewis

Isaiah 53:2 - and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him.

This poem is basically about one man's pursuit for God and his awe at Jesus' sacrifice in coming to earth as an inglorious, humble man. I just really liked it.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

5500 miles and some change

I am beside myself with the scale of what me and 4 others have just accomplished.  Over 5.5 thousand miles travelled in what ended up being a 5 day journey starting in Memphis, Tennessee, and ending in Sutton, Alaska.  So much has happened it almost doesn't feel real.  I am just praying that it doesn't turn out that tomorrow I wake up, and had dreamed the whole thing. 

Anyway, being on the road was a good time, but being home now is amazing.  So many good things...have happened...and are still to come.  Before I post a couple pics, I gotta give a shout out to Dawson Creek, British Columbia.  That town and the people at a certain Pirate Party may have saved my whole view of there's that.  

Now here's a bison...

...and a bear...

...and a caribou...

...and a few signs.

Well...that is the trip in a nutshell...or post.